personal growth

Cognitive Distortions: Faulty Ways of Thinking - Part One

Cognitive Distortions: Faulty Ways of Thinking - Part One

If you’ve ever been in a therapy session with me, you’ll recognize cognitive distortions a mile away. I am a big fan of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), so I frequently talk about distortions and how we can challenge them in our daily lives. This next blog post will be a series that is going to highlight some of the most common distortions we come across every day.

Surviving Valentine's Day

Surviving Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is upon us. This holiday causes one of two reactions: YAY! or UGH! Some people look forward to this “holiday” and other people dread the artificial holiday. But just because it is often blow way out of proportion, it doesn’t mean that we should not celebrate love in our lives in a meaningful way once a year. After all, Maslow said that the ability to give and receive love is the third most important human need. 



Hello all! Welcome to the new Balanced Blog! This blog will be a way to explore some topics and ideas that you may be interested in. 

So let's start this blog off right, seeing as how it is a new year and all (ok, today is January 19th, but better late than never)! Everyone spends the better part of December and January talking about how they are going to make next year THE year for themselves. We are all guilty of this. Some people do a great job of sticking to their resolutions and some of us forget about them about two weeks into the year. Here are the 4 main types of resolutions and why we need them...